How do parents of children with special needs, whether that child is 5 or 35, predict just how much money their disabled child will need for their future comfort? There are many variables to consider, including: life expectancy; the rate of inflation; investment return; the amount of benefits the government will provide decades from now… Read More »
Posts Tagged: Special Needs Child
Providing for the Future of Your Special Needs Child
For many years, we have provided for our loved ones with special needs and serious disabilities. We have taken them to occupational/physical/speech therapists. Found special camps. Had endless meetings with our school districts. Driven countless hours. Shopped with love for just the right gift to bring a smile. Bought a special outfit. In general, we… Read More »
Planning for the Future of Your Special Needs Child
If you are the parent of a child with special needs as I am, you know that one of our greatest fears is how our children will be taken care of when we are no longer able to do so ourselves. Even worse, our fear only becomes greater as our children get older and we… Read More »